miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

Group Discussion: David, Jorge, and Sara

Now that I look through my notes, all of our authors are entrepreneurs. The author of Ranch of Dreams is pushing his own project to help animals, and he is only letting those people who do not hurt animals in any way to help him.
The author of How to Change the World, managed to push the very original idea of having children be the ones that taught adults. We all wonder, why did he do this? The answer is, children have more imagination; they see ways to solve problems that we adults would never have even considered. Having a child teach an adult for one day might bring back a gist of that imagination that allows for greater problem solving, and maybe push society forward.
Finally, The Blue Sweater’s author, Novogratz, is an entrepreneur herself. She faces the hostility of many important African women in the conference of the start of her project, and she is not letting them push her back or intimidate her. All the things that have happened to her have just added to her strength and determination. She plans ahead and she won’t take a “no” for an answer.
                This is how all of our books relate. We have head-strong authors that are striving to make a difference in the world one way or another. David’s by helping animals, Jorge’s by helping the societies of the world with new ideas, my author by making sure women finally obtain their rights in Africa.
                The TOMS shoes videos we saw are also a bridge between our books. They, too, are striving for a specific goal. It relates to “Ranch of Dreams” by the simple fact that they are using their own resources to help the children that need shoes. “How to Change the World” also relates to the videos because they are coming up with new, original ideas that are helping solve problems people would have never thought of. Finally, it relates to “The Blue Sweater” because both Novogratz and the people in TOMS are working, mostly, in a project that will benefit and help others rather than themselves.